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Dr. Anantha Prasad Holla P
M.D. (Dermatology)

The journey of Dr Holla’s academics started from Mysore Medical College and continued to accomplish his higher education from the most reputed dermatology department of ,

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Started on December 2006 with a 28 year old history of vitiligo over his nose, cheek, forehead, both hand fingertips, both palms, palm back.

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Home >> Treatments >> Understandig Vitiligo >> Living and Coping with Vitiligo

Living and Coping with Vitiligo

A variety of emotions experienced by the Vitiligo affected individuals include shock, rejection, annoyance, worry, loneliness, humiliation, panic, embarrassment, guilt and depression. A person’s self confidence is severely affected by the Vitiligo and he/she becomes extremely self conscious, particularly in a group which gives high importance to the physical look.

For patients:

  • The person should always maintain a positive attitude towards life. Humour is a very simple way to achieve this. One should try to improve one’s self esteem by understanding his own character. Vitiligo is much less serious than a cold or other infection. It is important to understand the disease carefully.
  • Support from the family and friends are very important in living with the disease.
  • It will be excellent if they can join in a support group which supports this illness. Talking with similar people make them realize that there are other people too in the battle of Vitiligo. The more they connect with others, the better they will be able to effect positive change.
  • Finding a doctor is very important. The physician should be able to advice you proper medication, according to the individual’s physical and mental condition. Talk openly to your doctor.
  • The patient should take care of his/her skin.
  • Use cosmetics to mask depigmented areas. Make-ups or self-tanning lotions can help in matching the colour of the skin. This is effective in case of limited vitiligo. But it is advisable to get a word from the physician before starting anything new.

For parents:

  • Change the over conscious attitude towards the child’s condition.
  • Educate your child on how to respond to the queries regarding the disease.
  • Foremost is by talking with the relatives not to discuss about the disease with the child.
  • No negative discussions about Vitiligo should be carried out in the child’s presence.
  • Checking for the spots can be done when the child is sleeping.
  • Encourage the child to get occupied with games and other activities, and attending social events.
  • Do not say no to your child from wearing garments which expose some white spots on the skin.

Few instructions for the general public:

  • Do not gaze at a person with Vitiligo. Do not embarrass them. They are normal people with justa different skin appearance.
  • Do not ask them why, how and when.
  • Patients with Vitiligo do not call for sympathy. Just understand them.
Patient Success Reviews
Started on December 2006 with a 28 year old history of vitiligo over his nose, cheek, forehead, both hand fingertips, both palms, palm back.
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